How can I create a data entry form in Excel?

How can I create a data entry form in Excel?

You might find using a data entry form easier than entering information in a columnar format. Excel has an awesome feature called data entry forms. In order to be able to use data entry forms, make sure that your worksheet is set up with column headings. Excel uses...
Excel Legacy Shortcuts

Excel Legacy Shortcuts

The following table is a list of Alt-Key shortcuts that still work with current versions of Excel. File Menu Alt+F New Alt+F-N Open Alt+F-O Close Alt+F-C Save Alt+F-S Save As Alt+F-A Print Preview Alt+F-V Print Alt+F-P Send To Alt+F-D Edit Menu Alt+E Undo Alt+E-U Cut...
Why is the formula bar important in MS-Excel?

Why is the formula bar important in MS-Excel?

In Excel you have the option of entering data directly into a cell or by entering into the formula bar.  It might be easier when initially entering straight data to enter it into the cell.  But the formula bar makes it helpful when entering a formula (equation) or a...