Helpful Tips Blog

Excel Tips

How do you use SUM() in VBA?

How do you use SUM() in VBA?

Here’s an example where you know the exact range you want to sum, as in the following illustration. To add Sum functions for columns F and G use the following code: Sub SumExample1() Range("F15").Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("F2:F14")) Range("G15").Value =...

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Conditional Statistics in Excel

Conditional Statistics in Excel

If you're an Excel user, you've probably used the SUM function. It's fairly simple. The following formula returns the sum of all values in the range of cells in Column A from rows 4 through 1799: =Sum(A4:A1799) Sometimes you need to sort your data before you can get...

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Excel Legacy Shortcuts

Excel Legacy Shortcuts

The following table is a list of Alt-Key shortcuts that still work with current versions of Excel. File Menu Alt+F New Alt+F-N Open Alt+F-O Close Alt+F-C Save Alt+F-S Save As Alt+F-A Print Preview Alt+F-V Print Alt+F-P Send To Alt+F-D Edit Menu Alt+E Undo Alt+E-U Cut...

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