
The following table is a list of Alt-Key shortcuts that still work with current versions of Excel.

File Menu Alt+F
New Alt+F-N
Open Alt+F-O
Close Alt+F-C
Save Alt+F-S
Save As Alt+F-A
Print Preview Alt+F-V
Print Alt+F-P
Send To Alt+F-D
Edit Menu Alt+E
Undo Alt+E-U
Cut Alt+E-T
Copy Alt+E-C
Office Clipboard Alt+E-B
Paste Alt+E-P
Paste Special Alt+E-S
Delete Alt+E-D
Find Alt+E-F
Replace Alt+E-E
Go To Alt+E-G
View Menu Alt+V
Normal Alt+V-N
Page Break Preview Alt+V-P
Formula Bar Alt+V-F
Header and Footer Alt+V-H
Comments Alt+V-C
Customer Views Alt+V-V
Zoom Alt+V-Z
Insert Menu Alt+I
Cells Alt+I-E
Rows Alt+I-R
Columns Alt+I-C
Worksheet Alt+I-W
Chart Alt+I-H
Symbol Alt+I-S
Page Break Alt+I-B
Function Alt+I-F
Name Define Alt+I-N-D
Name Create Alt+I-N-C
Comment Alt+I-M
Picture – Clipart Alt+I-P-C
Picture – From File Alt+I-P-F
Object Alt+I-O
Hyperlink Alt+I-I
Format Menu Alt+O
Cells Alt+O-E
Row Height Alt+O-R-E
Row AutoFit Alt+O-R-A
Row Hide Alt+O-R-H
Row Unhide Alt+O-R-U
Column Width Alt+O-C-W
Column AutoFit Selection Alt+O-C-A
Sheet Rename Alt+O-H-R
Sheet Hide Alt+O-H-H
Sheet Unhide Alt+O-H-U
Sheet Background Alt+O-H-B
Autoformat Alt+O-
Conditional Formatting Alt+O-D
Style Alt+O-S
Tools Menu Alt+T
Spelling Alt+T-S
Protection – Protect Sheet Alt+T-P-P
Protection – Protect Workbook Alt+T-P-W
Protection – Protect Share Workbook Alt+T-P-S
Macro – Macros Alt+T-M-M
Macro – Record New Macro Alt+T-M-R
Macro – Security Alt+T-M-S
Macro – Visual Basic Editor Alt+T-M-V
Options Alt+T-O
Data Menu Alt+D
Sort Alt+D-S
Filter -AutoFilter Alt+D-F-F
Filter – Show All Alt+D-F-S
Filter – Advanced Filter Alt+D-F-A
Form Alt+D-O
Subtotals Alt+D-B
Validation Alt+D-L
Table Alt+D-T
Text to Columns Alt+D-E
Consolidate Alt+D-N
Group & Outline – Hide Details Alt+D-G-H
Group & Outline – Show Details Alt+D-G-S
Group & Outline – Group Alt+D-G-G
Group & Outline – Auto Outline Alt+D-G-A
PivotTable and PivotChart Report Alt+D-P
Import External Data – Import Data Alt+D-D-D
Import External Data – New Web Query Alt+D-D-W
Import External Data – New Database Query Alt+D-D-N
List – Create List Alt+D-I-C
List – Resize List Alt+D-I-R
List – Total Row Alt+D-I-T
List – Convert to Range Alt+D-I-V
Window Menu Alt+W
New Window Alt+W-N
Arrange Alt+W-A
Hide Alt+W-H
Unhide Alt+W-U
Split Alt+W-S
Freeze Panes Alt+W-F




  1. Blair Hall

    Fantastic! I’ve been using many of those keyboard shortcuts since the Excel 95 days and am happy that Microsoft continues to support them. I’ve thought about trying to locate a legacy version of the software to compile a list, but you’ve saved me the trouble! Thanks!

    • Laura

      You’re very welcome!

  2. Mayer

    One more for the list:
    Alt+E-L (delete active sheet)

    • Laura

      Good one!!


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